
Rebecca Frech

City Engagement & Pastoral Office Coordinator

As a 7th generation Texan, I was born in McKinney. I grew up in Richardson, Texas where I stayed through college, attending UT Dallas, then faithfully returned to McKinney after jumping on staff at CityBridge Plano!

I was raised by a single mom and am the youngest of three. I grew up going primarily to the Catholic church, but accepted Jesus into my heart at a young age at VBS. During Junior High at Wyldlife camp (a YoungLife org), I came to understand God as a Father who loves me, pursues me, takes care of me and will never leave or forsake me. My earthly Father was not meant to perfect, nor could he ever be perfect, because a perfect Father already exists for the world.

As a Freshman in college, I attended a Campus Crusades for Christ conference (also where I met my now husband) and had the “Ah-ha!” moment of understanding my role as a Christian. God made clear to me that we are called to abide in Christ daily (John 15:4) and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). Through abiding in Christ, God began to give me a new heart for his Word and for his people. In college, I experienced real community through the CityBridge College ministry and as staff at Pine Cove. God pruned me and challenged me to become more vulnerable, authentic, and dependent on his word for truth and counsel.

I had the incredible privilege of marrying the most servant hearted, sweetest man I’ve met, and my college sweetheart, Nelson, in December of 2017. Together we love to hang out with community, walk our dog, serve, and eat ice cream. When we aren’t together, I love spending my time with my sister, my gal-pals, ice skating, being outside, and dancing!