Campus Update

Phase 3A: Laying the Foundation

We are committed to stewarding CityBridge resources in ways that help us advance the gospel and call people in our surrounding communities to full devotion to Christ. As the elders have prayed and processed with each other and with gifted experts both within and outside the CityBridge body, we believe the existing footprint is God’s provision for us for the foreseeable future. Should our church grow to numbers beyond our current capacity, we would add another service or consider planting a church in a neighboring community. With the Assembly Park development plan advancing next door and our City Engagement initiatives gaining traction, we believe it is time to initiate the next round of improvements to the facility God has entrusted to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In 2014 Watermark bought the existing building and the 13 acres of land currently known as CityBridge Community Church. When we purchased the building, we invested 4 million dollars in renovating the kid’s area, adding classrooms, and making minor improvements to the auditorium. (Phase 1) In 2019 we began a 2.7 million dollar construction project which included lobby and office renovation, additional classrooms, a children’s playscape, and a porch/patio area. (Phase 2) We are now preparing to move our main entrance and primary parking to the north side of the building. (Phase 3A)

  • Part 1: Build a CityBridge Parking Lot

    CityBridge currently leases parking from our neighbor to the south. Terminating the existing parking lot agreement and building our own parking lot on the north 4.4 acres to ensure our parking future and save CityBridge $120,000 per year.

    Part 2: Build an Outdoor Turf Field

    In partnership with the American Academy of Soccer, we are excited to create a 1-acre dual-use turf field. The Soccer Club would have access on weekday evenings and occasional weekends, while CityBridge would have access the remainder of the week for both Sunday and mid-week kids ministry, student ministry, and larger adult connecting and worship events

    Total Project Cost: $2.3 Million

  • In two words, INVITE AND CONNECT. The leadership at CityBridge believes by moving the parking lot to the north side and building a turf field, we will be able to make significantly better use of the facility God has entrusted to us. In addition to saving $120,000 per year in lease payments, we will be able to improve the appearance, safety, maintenance, and overall control of our parking for years to come. Moving our parking lot to the north side of the campus will also improve the walk-up appeal through the porch area, improving our “1st touch” opportunity with guests and those seeking to build deeper relationships.

    The outdoor field will allow our ever-growing kid’s ministry (both Sunday and mid-week) to increase the scope of our discipleship curriculum and create space for outdoor activities. In addition, the field will give us opportunities to impact our community via a space that allows for year-round sports and events.

  • Gifts can be made online at using your bank account or debit card. Giving directly from your bank account is preferred because it saves on processing fees, allowing the maximum amount possible to go directly to the designated fund. To support Phase 3A, please choose the Building Fund designation.

    Gifts can be made by check and placed in the boxes next to the entrances and exits during our weekend services, sent by mail, or dropped off at our CityBridge campus. Please make checks payable to CityBridge Community Church and note “Building Fund” in the memo.

  • We are grateful that CityBridge has never incurred debt. While Scripture does not forbid debt, we recognize that God’s Word always speaks of debt with words of caution. We believe God has resourced this community with “more than enough” to complete this project. Therefore, we believe it is neither necessary nor prudent to fund campus development projects with debt.

  • Unlike previous projects and because of the faithfulness of our church family, we have 1.8 million dollars in the bank which will allow us to begin the parking project before the end of 2023. Our commitment is that we will never build beyond the cash we have on hand.

  • We can’t wait to keep making disciples! So, CityBridge’s mission of being and making disciples will continue as we consider plans and prayerfully anticipate the provision of resources for Phase 3A of our campus. We desire a response from 100% of our church family. As you consider your response to the need before us, we ask you to:

    • Spend time before the Lord asking how He would stir your heart to steward your time and resources toward His Kingdom purposes.

    • Be faithful to do what the Lord is asking you to do today and in the days ahead.

    • Participate generously and joyously both now and each day as He resupplies you with means to invest in His work through our body until there is “more than enough.”

    • Process your response with your community group.

    We know from Scripture that in God’s eyes, the giver’s heart matters more than the size of the gift (Luke 21:1-4). We must pray, process, and respond however God calls us to respond. As Christ followers have done before us, they gave “according to their means and beyond their means. They did so voluntarily.” (2 Corinthians 8:3)

  • The CityBridge Elders would love to meet with you. Please reach out to and we will be glad to schedule a time to discuss your questions.