Halton Pecoraro

Worship arts coordinator

I grew up the son of a Youth Pastor and am number three of seven kids in a big Italian family. Seeing servant leadership lived out in my parents made a huge impact on me early on in my childhood as my parents taught me to love and serve others in need of the saving grace of Jesus and Him being modeled through His Church. Trusting Jesus for my salvation at the early age of 7, I came to know the love and kindness of God as He began to reveal His heart to me and for me over the years.

I also was born with Spina-Bifida and am paralyzed from the knee down on my left side and partially from the waist down. Because of this, I have had 19 surgeries in my life to help me be able to do things that I otherwise might not have been able to accomplish in my life. Through this, I have learned full dependence on the Father to restore and redeem my broken body and in the process, he has been faithful to restore and redeem my spiritual brokenness. God has used my story to reach many who are hurting, weary, running, or angry with God to know that He will always be ready with open arms to receive us with love, joy, peace, forgiveness, and comfort that will satisfy our souls.

Along the way I met Nikki, my wife, and I couldn’t be more grateful to pursue Christ with her as we raise our three boys – Hudson, Emerson, and Dawson. They keep us moving and always laughing and I LOVE it.

I have been in vocational worship ministry for 15 years and have loved the opportunity to shepherd the Bride of Christ to look to Him, whether in the deepest valley or on the highest mountain, and to give Him all the glory, honor, and praise because He is worthy, and to invite those who do not yet know Him to experience the joy that is found in Christ when we lift our hearts to Him in song through worship. To see how the Spirit moves in those moments will never get old on me and always ministers to my heart as I get to partner with Him in shepherding the people of God to worship in spirit and in truth.

If I’m not on campus, I am either on Dad-Duty, doing photography or videography for a wedding with my wife as we have been running a full-time wedding photography/videography business for the past 8 years, or enjoying time with my big and loud Italian family, eating good food, and getting outside. Life is a gift and I’m grateful for it!