Scott Harper

Hello!  My name is Scott Harper and I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma in a wonderful Christ centered home with two faithful parents.  I experienced firsthand the goodness of God and I enjoyed an upbringing full of peace and joy.  I received Christ as my Lord and Savior in high school and met my wife, Cara, while attending Abilene Christian University.  We married shortly after graduating and have lived almost all our adult lives in the Dallas area.  God has blessed us with four children (two boys and two girls) including the joy of adopting our youngest son from Ethiopia.

I’ve worked in a variety of accounting, finance, and logistical roles for over 30 years in the corporate business world and my work brings joy and challenges knowing that I am a steward to what God has entrusted to me.  Work has also been an idol for me for a significant number of years.  I bought into the lie that my best life was in having career success, raising a growing family, looking good to others, and in people pleasing, but I was not relying on God wholeheartedly. Ungodliness can be defined as living one’s everyday life with little or no thought of God, God’s will, God’s glory or one’s dependence on God.  I was full of pride, control, comparison, and ungodliness.  By God’s grace, I met a great friend who discipled me over an extended amount of time and taught me how to walk daily with God through practicing the spiritual disciplines of scripture memory, praying, journaling, reading the Bible and just spending time alone with the Lord. I now wake up thankful for God’s grace and provision and have a running dialogue with God throughout each day. I view my life with two overarching know God and make Him known.

Life on mission for the Lord is truly exciting to see lives transformed by the saving power found only in Jesus!  It’s even better if that happens in the mountains hiking or on a golf course.  However, it’s best if it happens together with both my family and my extended family here at CityBridge.