Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Sermon Notes

We're in week two of our 'RELATE(ABLE)' series, we explore the vital topic of conflict resolution in relationships. Just as God reconciled with us, we are called to resolve conflicts in our lives. Conflict isn't inherently bad; it's an opportunity to grow, honor God, and strengthen relationships. We must recognize our part in conflicts, often stemming from selfishness, pride, or gossip, and own our role in resolving them. Jesus' teachings in Matthew 18 provide a clear path for resolving conflicts: address issues privately, involve others if needed, and seek reconciliation with humility and grace.

Every conflict offers us a perspective to maintain, a part to own, and a path to pursue peace. It's not about avoiding conflict but resolving it effectively to reflect God's character and nurture our relationships. As we navigate conflicts, let's seek God's wisdom, extend grace, and pursue peace, understanding that forgiveness is crucial in releasing the burden of offense and building stronger connections.

Key Takeaways

  • A Perspective to Change

  • A Part to Own

  • A Path to Pursue Peace

    Discussion Questions

  • After today's sermon, how has your perspective on conflict shifted, and what insights resonated with you?

  • Can you describe a recent conflict where you recognized your own part? What insights did you gain, and how might you approach it differently next time.

  • How can we implement the steps of conflict resolution outlined in Matthew 18 into our daily interactions and relationships?

  • What challenges do you encounter when it comes to extending forgiveness? How can your community group support each other in navigating this journey of forgiveness and reconciliation?

  • Reflecting on the emphasis on owning our part in conflicts, can you share a personal example where you identified your role? What lessons have you learned from this experience?