Breaking News: Jesus Up Close and Personal

Sermon Notes

Welcome to the second week of our "Good News" series! Today, David Marvin highlights three stories from Mark 5, revealing Jesus as powerful, personal, and purposeful. From healing the possessed man to restoring the woman with a bleeding condition for 12 years and resurrecting the distressed father's daughter, these narratives underscore how Jesus is powerful over our problems, desires a personal relationship with us, and He is purposeful even in our pain.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus Is Powerful

  • Jesus Is Personal

  • Jesus Is Purposeful

    Discussion Questions

  • What aspect of the sermon resonated with you the most? 

  • Similar to how the demon-possessed man was set free, we have been set free and have a testimony to share. How can your story encourage others in their faith? How can we ensure we are continually sharing our freedom in Jesus?

  • In the narrative of the woman with the issue of blood, how does Jesus demonstrate his personal care and attention to her individual needs? How does her encounter with Jesus challenge our perceptions of who Jesus is and how He interacts with us personally?

  • Reflect on the closing points of the sermon regarding Jesus being powerful over our problems, personal in His relationship with us, and purposeful in our pain. How do these characteristics of Jesus challenge and encourage your walk with Jesus?

  • From the sermon's closing illustration of seeing life from a different perspective, discuss how viewing our circumstances through the lens of Jesus' power, personal care, and purposefulness can transform our outlook. How can we apply this perspective shift to our daily lives and interactions with others?