Elementary // Gentleness Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love.” Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)


Gentleness: Responding in a kind and careful way

Teaching Truth

We can respond gently when people are in tough circumstances

Questions to Ask Your Child

READ JOHN 11:17-27

  1. How long had Lazarus been dead by the time Jesus got to Bethany? (4 days) What did Martha say to Jesus when He got there? (“If you’d been here, my brother wouldn’t have died.”) What does this show Martha believed about Jesus? (She knew He could have healed her brother from his sickness.)

  2. How did Jesus show gentleness to Martha in her tough circumstance? (He reminded her of the Truth she believed. He reminded her of who He was and that she could put all her hope in Him, even when it’s hard and she doesn’t understand.)

READ JOHN 11:32-44

  1. How did Jesus show gentleness to Martha, Mary, and everyone else who mourned the death of Lazarus? (Jesus was kind and compassionate. He didn’t act like their pain was no big deal. He simply mourned with them and showed them a gentle spirit. He reminded them of the Truth about who He was and that even in trials, they can trust fully in Him.)

  2. How can knowing that Jesus is master over everything, even death, give you peace and hope when facing touch circumstances? (Jesus loves us so much and is always with us even when we go through trials. We believe that Jesus conquered death on the cross and, if we accept His free gift of salvation, we get to live with Him forever in heaven, even after death!)


Who do you know that is in the middle of hard circumstances and needs to hear the reason for your hope? Take some time to pray for anyone you know who is in a hard circumstance right now. Ask God to help you respond gently to others who need to hear the truth and hope of Christ this week.