Amy Beeman

Operations assistant

I've lived in Texas all my life – I was born and raised in San Antonio. I wasn't raised in a Christian home, and my parents divorced when I was 5 years old. My parents had a very volatile divorce, which was pretty tough to witness as a young child. But following the divorce, my dad "reconnected" with his Catholic upbringing and started attending church again. When my dad had custody of me and my older sister on the weekends, he would take us to church, but we didn't talk about Jesus at home. I didn't develop a good understanding of the gospel – I viewed God as being distant and had the perception that only perfect people got into heaven.

Growing up, I knew who Jesus was from going to church – but I didn't know Jesus. In the fall of my freshman year of college, three of my guy friends were killed in a car accident. Less than a year after the accident, one of my closest girlfriends passed away, too. Losing four friends in less than a year shook my world. It led to depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiousness, and obsessive thoughts, but it also made me curious about heaven and God.

I came to accept Jesus in my heart when I was in college, but I wasn't surrounded by believers, so I quickly fell back into old patterns. I placed my value in relationships that weren't honoring to the Lord, and I had a worldly perspective on life.

I moved to the Dallas area toward the end of 2007, and I met my future husband, Zach, in 2008. We married in 2009 and eventually came to find Watermark Community Church in 2014. Although we had a church home prior to Watermark, we weren't living authentically, nor were we devoting daily to be in God's Word. Once we started attending Watermark Plano, we got plugged into community. Being in a Biblical community wasn't easy at first, but we saw the benefits and fruit of being admonished and encouraged by other believers. Our marriage and personal relationships with the Lord flourished because we chose to pursue the Lord and fully surrender to His will.

Zach and I have two amazing kiddos – Levi and Ella. A few of my favorite things include baking, playing games (I'm a little competitive, so I'm told), eating hamburgers (and talking about the best places to get a hamburger), kitchen gadgets, creating spreadsheets, and spending time with family and friends. I don't have any tattoos, but if I did, I think I'd have Psalm 112:7 tattooed on me: "He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord."